The health insurance world is changing rapidly. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) brought many changes, and now it appears that more changes are on the horizon. While we can't predict how those changes will affect you, the State Bar of Arizona Health Insurance Exchange can help provide members, their employees, and families with some answers for today. The program is brought to you by AHIX a division of JLBG Health, the largest health insurance provider to associations in the US. To learn more about the options available to lower your health insurance costs and maintain comprehensive coverage, visit the website shownabove for an INSTANT online rate or contact JLBG Health at 866.708.6578 for more details, member rates, and a 15-minute phone enrollment. Three easy steps: Assess your situation and find out if you are eligible for subsidies. Shop for plans ON and OFF the Public Health Insurance Exchanges. Shop Around. Apply for the health plan of your choice with or without subsidies. Go to the website above to enter the SBA Health Insurance Exchange NOW or call 866.708.6578 and speak with a licensed and certified Exchange Specialist. Find out more about the rate guarantee options for up to 36 months. *** Per ACA Presidential Executive order signed Jan 20th, 2017. JLBG/AHIX does not give tax advice. Please consult your tax advisor.